Monday, February 24, 2014

8 MBA Teams Competed in the Lwala Dodgeball Tournament at HH

Thanks to all of you who participated in the Annual Dodgeball Tournament at Harpeth Hall.  Sara Puryear, secretary on the Service Learning Board at Harpeth Hall in the Upper School, reports, "It was such a success- we raised around $3,000 for our uniform initiative project. We are so grateful to the 8 teams we had from MBA!"  Proceeds benefit the Lwala Alliance Community in Lwala, Kenya. 

Rally Rumble Taking Applications

Who? Bands and singers
What? Music festival
When? April 19
Where? Rocketown
Why? To raise awareness and money for childhood cancer research
How? Email Ms. Williams for an application

Service Club Happenings THIS Week

¡Monday, 2/24
§Paragon Mills Tutoring (Clark Hooks, Mr. Paolicchi)
¡Thursday, 2/27
§Service Club Meeting at Break – Service Club Office, Lowry
§Preston Taylor Tutoring (Fred Harwell, Mr. Womack)
¡Saturday, 3/1

§Loaves & Fishes (Gage Anderson, Dr. Fuller)

Best Buddies Art Saturday Off to a Good Start!

Miss Hollifield's comments say it all:

"9 MBA boys came and Jackson [Hughes] did a great job of leading and helping get things set up Friday afternoon and Saturday morning.  One of my favorite parts of both Art and Sports Saturdays has been seeing how thoughtful our boys can be.  Ensuring that everyone is having a good time seems to be their primary focus. In turn, they have fun/feel good while thinking about someone else."

This is what service at MBA is all about.  Thanks to all who participated for making it a special day.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Best Buddies Shout Out

MBA loves our Buddies, and they love us!  Click here to read the recent article on the Best Buddies Tennessee website.  Opportunities to participate will expand this weekend with the addition of Best Buddies Art Saturdays at MBA, 9:30 - 11:00 am.  Meet in front of the gym.

"The mission of Best Buddies is to establish a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for one-on-one friendships, integrated employment and leadership development for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities."

Best Buddies International

Book Drive Thrills East End Prep Kids

A big thanks to Montgomery Bell Academy … for holding a book drive for our scholars.  These hundreds of books will a go a long way in helping us create and build our school library.  Stay tuned this spring for ways you can also help us build our school library.   

Special thanks to Tim Bryant and Chandler Harrington for facilitating …

Jim Leckrone
School Leader
East End Preparatory School

Service Events THIS Week!

¡Thursday, 2/20
§Service Club Meeting at Break – Service Club Office, Lowry
§Preston Taylor Tutoring (Fred Harwell, Mr. Womack)
¡Saturday, 2/22

§Best Buddies Art Day (John Wheeler, Miss Hollifield)

Hundreds Attend Best Buddies Prom

Thanks to John Wheeler, Tucker Voges, Drew Davis, Fred Harwell, 
Nick Dreher and Grant Green for sharing in the fun!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Service Club Happenings Week of 2.10.14

Monday, 2/10
Paragon Mills Tutoring (Clark Hooks)
žThursday, 2/13
Service Club Meeting at Break
Preston Taylor Tutoring (Fred Harwell, Mr. Womack)
Book Drive Ends (Phelps Gambill, Alex Boone, Mrs. Harrington)
žSaturday, 2/15
Fort Negley (Clay Cavallo, Dr. Bailey)
žSunday, 2/16

Best Buddies Prom (John Wheeler, Ms. Williams)

Monday, February 3, 2014


Book drive starts today.

  • Benefiting East End Prep and Hands on Nashville Book ‘Em Drive
  • Children’s through high school level books
  • Place in BLUE tubs around campus
  • For more information see  Alex Boone and Phelps Gambill

MBA Boys to Escort Buddies on the Red Carpet!


Join John Wheeler '14, 
Ms. Williams, Coach Dean 
and others at the 
Best Buddies Prom!

Sunday, February 16, 2014
Best Buddies Prom
Nashville, Tennessee

Bridgestone Arena

Come “Walk the Gold Carpet” at the 3rd Annual Best Buddies Prom held at Bridgestone Arena, home of the Nashville Predators!


THIS WEEK'S Service Events

¡Monday, 2/3
§Paragon Mills Tutoring (Clark Hooks)
¡Thursday, 2/6
§Preston Taylor Tutoring (Fred Harwell, Mr. Womack)
¡Saturday, 2/8
§Best Buddies Sports Saturday (John Wheeler)

§Glen Leven (Wesley Jenkins, Dr. Bailey)

Starting the Year Right: Second Harvest

Last Tuesday, a group of five eager MBA students led the charge in the first Second Harvest service activity of the year. Consisting of Akeim George, Wesley Tseng, Alvin Zhang, Ivan Franco, and myself, we departed for the Second Harvest warehouse at 5:30PM. Although we got lost on the way there, we arrived intact and ready to work.

For the next two hours, we worked tirelessly, sorting over 5,000 pounds of cans into their constituent categories, which included Vegetables, Crackers, Snacks, and Meats, to name a few.

The next event will be on March 12th, and we hope that even more guys students join us for this fun filled event

Please enjoy the pictures taken at this event.

Akeim sorts cans with extreme vigor.

Wesley is caught unprepared for picture.

Alvin unloads the cans at the vegetable table.

Ivan is happy to contribute to a great cause.

Loaves & Fishes ... Still Cookin'!

On Saturday, February 1, 20 MBA gentlemen rose early to cook the Loaves and Fishes Community Meal. The menu included baked ziti with sausage, green beans and bacon, cheesy mashed potatoes, tossed salad, and brownies with vanilla ice cream. Special thanks to Sr. Kamm and Mr. Villemain for their leadership and Sr. Kamm's advisory for joining the ranks to help serve Nashville's hungry.