Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Book Drive in Full Swing

Through April  28
… benefitting

Bring books to your advisory. 
Sponsored by Mr. Moxley’s Advisory.

Happy Birthday to the Bard!

The International Thespian Society raised $300 from donut sales during the "Shakespearathon" last Thursday & Friday. The Shakespeare Marathon started at 7 a.m. on Thursday and continued until 7 a.m. on Friday. Pledges are still coming in. Funds support ENDADA and the Nashville Shakespeare Festival.

THANK YOU to those who participated!

Help Needed THIS WEEKEND for Last Saturday Dinner

Please email Dr. Fuller if you can help.

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Service Club Happenings THIS WEEK

¡Monday, 4/21
§Paragon Mills (Clark Hooks, Mr. Paolicchi)
¡Thursday, 4/24
§No Service Club Meeting
§Preston Taylor Tutoring (Sam Weien, Mr. Womack)
¡Saturday, 4/26
§Best Buddies Art Saturday
§Last Saturday Dinner

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Help Needed THIS WEEKEND for Best Buddies

Are you free Saturday morning?  Sunday afternoon?  Join us for some service fun!

Saturday, April 11 - MBA Sports Saturday
9:15 - 11:00 am
Meet in front of the gym.  We will be playing soccer with our Buddies!

Sunday, April 12 - Best Buddies Friendship Walk
Volunteers needed for various shifts between 12:00 and 5:00 pm.
Bicentennial Mall

For more information, contact Ms. Williams at

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Service Happenings THIS Week

¡Monday, 4/7
§Paragon Mills (Clark Hooks, Mr. Paolicchi)
¡Thursday, 4/10
§Service Club Meeting at Break – Service Club Office, Lowry
§Preston Taylor Tutoring (Sam Weien, Mr. Womack)
¡Saturday, 4/12
§Best Buddies Sports Saturday (John Wheeler, Ms. Williams)
¡Sunday, 4/13

§Best Buddies Friendship Walk (John Wheeler, Jackson Garey, Ms. Williams)

Richland Creek Run VIII - Another Great Success!

Thanks to the 40 student volunteers who got up early Saturday morning to prepare the course for the Richland Creek Run. They set up cones and water tables, and served as marshalls, monitors and timers during the race. Special thanks to Chris Smith, Clay Bailey, Will Norton, Robbie Quinn and Project Manager Ferris Bailey for their leadership. This is the 8th year that MBA has sponsored this important neighborhood event and provided the core group of volunteers for this fundraiser for Greenways. 

Great Meal Enjoyed by All - Loaves & Fishes April 2014

MBA had another successful day at the Loaves & Fishes soup kitchen on Saturday.  Over 180 people were served a delicious meal of ham, green beans, mashed potatoes, cole slaw, biscuits, and chocolate pudding for dessert.  The  Big Red team was lead by: Taylor Asher (sophomore) with (senior) Sam Weien; (juniors)  Luke Kinman, James Matthews, John Triplett, Nathan Sharp, Jay Thomas; (sophomores) Hunt Smith, Sam Sullivan, Alvin Zhang, Chris Saxon, Crom Tidwell; (freshmen) Will Gray, Riley Steanson, Patrick Andreen, (8th graders) Alex Bulgarino and Patrick Butner.  Faculty sponsors for the meal included Mr. Spiegl, Mr. Bullington and his wife, and Mr. Rundberg.  A good time was had by all!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

High School Students Have Logged Over 3800 Service Hours This School Year

Service at MBA is not required.  It is 100% voluntary.  A fact which makes the number of service hours earned by our high school boys even more impressive.

See below for a log of service hours by class this school year.  Note that these recorded hours do not account for hours worked on spring break service trips, work done by students during the summer or any volunteer efforts done through outside organizations like Boy Scouts or religious groups.  They also generally exclude the number of hours that go into project organization before the actual day of service.

Class of 2014: 887.5 hours
Class of 2015: 1374 hours
Class of 2016: 1117.5 hours
Class of 2018: 434 hours

Thanks to everyone for your hard work and dedication.

Registration Still Open for Richland Creek Run VIII- THIS Saturday, April 5

Visit to register.  
Online registration ends tomorrow, Thursday.  
Co-sponsored by MBA and benefiting Greenways of Nashville.  We hope to see you there!

April Brings Best Buddies Opportunities Galore

Please join us for any or all of the following events!  
Email John Wheeler or Ms. Williams for more information.

Best Buddies Sports Saturday – 4/12
Best Buddies Smashville (18 and over) – 4/12
Best Buddies Friendship Walk – 4/13
Best Buddies Art Saturday – 4/26

Best Buddies Art Saturday Rocks Again!

Thank you to all of our wonderful 
MBA volunteers and to the Buddies who joined us!  
A special thanks to Ms. Hollifield and Jackson Hughes.

Service Happenings THIS Week!

¡Monday, 3/31
§Paragon Mills (Clark Hooks, Mr. Paolicchi)
¡Thursday, 4/3
§Service Club Meeting at Break – Service Club Office, Lowry
§Preston Taylor Tutoring (Sam Weien, Mr. Womack)
¡Saturday, 4/5
§Richland Creek Run (Ferris Bailey, Dr. Fuller)

§Loaves & Fishes (Gage Anderson, Ms. Williams)

Fort Negley Volunteers Survive Rough Conditions

A handful of MBA boys trudged on down to Fort Negley on March 29th to lend a hand.  Fighting against the weather, they were able to get a lot done and help prepare Fort Negley for its "Fossils at the Fort" day on April 5. Though physically exhausting, the boys dragged rocks with great enthusiasm and big smiles.  The day ended with a nice cup of hot chocolate and a tour of the old fort.  Fort Negley is very thankful for their hard work.